Acting for tomorrow also means committing to the environment and biodiversity. In 2021, we became an LPO refuge and have since implemented many actions.
In 2021, we set up an LPO refuge, called "l'Oasis de Natali®", with the main aim of preserving biodiversity on the site. To date, the plant occupies only 30% of our land. This leaves 70% of the site suitable for the development of biodiversity.
An inventory of the flora and an inventory of the avifauna and insects were carried out by the LPO44. During this inventory, the site's traps for fauna were also inventoried.
The first change was in the frequency of mowing. Between April and September, only the area in front of our refectory will be mowed. The rest is left untouched to encourage the development cycle of insects, and the growth of melliferous species and other plants needed to feed small animals and birds.
Our land is surrounded by two green corridors. Our fence is an obstacle to small fauna, so we have installed passageways on the fence. Thanks to this initiative, the biodiversity of the site is preserved, as is the free circulation of small fauna.
We also have two beehives tended by Jérôme from Rucher du Champ Poivre, who visits regularly and harvests Nature et Aliments®' good honey every year.

With the aim of reducing our impact on the environment, we were delighted to take in three farmed hens to give them a well-deserved retirement.
Thanks to Véronique, Davina and Désirée our chickens, every day we collect eggs produced on the company site, which will be reused for quality testing or taken away by employees.
In the spring of 2023, a educational path has been put in place and has allowed us to give more visibility to our actions and toto welcome as well as the public during our open doors. It seemed essential to us to transmit our commitments and raise awareness among citizens on the importance of biodiversity and more particularly on an agri-food industrial site.

green energy

Since 2018, we have chosen Enercoop® Pays de la Loire as our electricity supplier to power our factory. We wanted a supplier of electricity produced renewably in France.
We chose Enercoop® because it's MILITANT energy, a word that's very important to us. Enercoop® works for an energy transition that benefits citizens and the local economy.
Enercoop®'s values are in line with those of Nature et Aliments® :
Put people before projects,
Limiting the waste of resources,
Fighting fuel poverty.
On average, our electricity costs represent 1% of our annual sales.
We have taken a number of initiatives to reduce these costs. We have installed LED neon lights throughout production and offices, a solar water heater for sanitary and refectory water, and a "This is not Versailles" policy so that everyone remembers not to leave their lights on for nothing.
We believe that green energy should be developed on our territory. That's why we became a member of Enercoop® Pays de la Loire, to help finance green electricity production projects in the region.